Monday, August 20, 2012

We must stamp out West Nile

The West Nile virus is a serious threat to our health and every possible way should be taken to combat it and eventually stamp it out. This past week Louisiana  reported 24 new cases, giving a  total of 92 cases  and six deaths this year.  The seriousness was brought home to us Sunday when a member of our class informed us that his daughter has the virus.

An all-out campaign to fight the virus includes destroying the mosquito breeding grounds by draining stagnant ponds, using larvicide,  and spraying with an effective insecticide.  I get angry every time I think about how environmental extremists got DDT banned, resulting in millions in Africa dieing from malaria.  We must demand that the most effective insecticide that can be made is used against the mosquitoes who carry West Nile and those who carry malaria.

Everyone supports a good  environment and one without mosquitoes will be just  lovely.

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