Monday, June 13, 2011

Obama meets in White House with evil dictator

With the way President Obama wolfs down chili dogs he must have a strong stomach but it would have to be cast iron to stomach his meeting with Ali Bongo, dictator of tiny Gabon and evil personified.  Seeing the picture of the two smiling and joking together should have made every American sick to his stomach; it certainly did me. Gabon has a population of about one and one-half  million but it ranks third among African nations in the production of oil.  That does not profit the people.  The Bongo family has used the oil wealth to fund a life of outrageous luxury while the people suffer.  Children with pot bellies and cut off hands stand helplessly while men and women have their genitals mutilated.  Again, I say, Ali Bongo is evil, evil, and should never be allowed in this country, much less the White House.

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