Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sequester -- what do you mean, sequester?

Those of us still awaiting enough points to be discharged from the navy often talked about our plans for when we were out and home.  One friend, from St. Louis, had a simple goal, get a civil service job and live happily ever after.  Some of us argued that he should have a grander ambition.  Now, I am convinced he was right and we were wrong.  Why worry,  let the government take care of you.

The sequester was supposed to cut expenditures and stop creating unnecessary jobs. It is not working that way -- the feds are advertising to fill 2700 high paying jobs that in total will cost 792 million dollars.  With a government job you are fixed for life,

You thought the post office had money troubles?  The post office is trying to hire with a starting pay of 21 dollars an hour -- no high school education required.  The answer to our economic problems is to give everyone a government job.

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