Friday, May 25, 2012

Pentecostals and speaking in tongues

Still in Texas but nearing Louisiana we passed a very large church with the sign Pentecostal.  No surprise - along with Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, the Pentecostals are one of the fastest  growing religious denominations in America, and they have many churches.

That's not the way it was when I was a youth.  Our community had two churches, Methodist and Baptist. We were Methodists but attended services at both churches.  During the summer Pentecostal groups would usually erect a brush arbor in which to hold a revival of one or two weeks.  Of course, we would attend; how much entertainment did we have in that rural community? I especially remember two services.

This year the arbor was about half a mile down the road from our house.  As soon as the car stopped, Eunice, my older sister, saw a friend,  jumped out of the car and rushed in.  She came back faster than she entered and hit a strand of barbed wire, cutting her leg.  Why her hurry?  Her friend had informed her, " Your dress is inside out."

Another year and another location I saw my first woman preacher and heard  a person speaking in tongues (glossolalia) for the first time.  The preacher walked the aisles and preached and spoke in tongues. Whether there was someone to interpret, as Paul advises, I do not recall.

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