Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Should I Stay in Organiztions to which I Contribute Little

Jen and I attended the meeting of the Caddo 4-H Foundation Monday night, and while we were discussing programs and finances I began asking myself, "What am I doing here?"  Members are elected for three years and are then rotated off but members can be re-elected and in my case, as others, I seem to be a permanent member; yet, I contribute little value.

I'm not implying  at all that the organization is not worthy does not and make a significant contribution to our youth. On a personal note our family has benefited greatly from the 4-H program and I wish more youths would avail themselves of its offerings.  We have three family members who benefited greatly and also won awards, trips and scholarships. 

Presently the foundation has about $50,000, some of which is obligated to specific programs  and to scholarships.  A number of grants have been made to the state 4-H Foundation in recognition of 4-H leaders who have passed away.

Attendance at the meeting was excellent as could be expected when a delicious meal is served.  Since the selling of strawberries  every spring the foundation has had adequate funds for all its programs and for scholarships. This year berries will be available in March and should be large and sweet because of the warm weather.

This is away from the point I began to make -- should I remain a member of organizations if I am not making a significant contribution to it?  I never even attend an American Legion or Forty and Eight meeting although I would never quit paying my dues.

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