Sunday, November 13, 2011

Associate Pastor leaves -- to form non-denominationl church

                           He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
                           O words with heav'nly comfort fraught!
                           Whate'er I do, where'er I be
                           Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.

Shocking announcement at church today -- Associate Pastor Joe Robideaux is resigning not only from this church but as a Methodist as he feels called to join another young man, also a former Methodist, to form a non-denominational church in North  Bossier.

There are some highly successful -- at least in attendance -   non-denominational churches.  What they have to offer that is different I don't know.  As a child and young adult I attended both churches in our community.  Occasionally, a brush arbor would be built during the summer and a group would hold night services.  We would attend.  There were periods of time when prayer meetings would be held in homes within the community.  We would participate in those.  This country, as has England, been swept at times by evangelistic fervor.  I would like for that to happen now but if it comes, will it come from some denomination, such as when Methodism spread throughout the land or from tent revivals such as those conducted by Billy Sunday early in the last century.  Christianity is under attack in two ways -- from Islam which says convert or die, and from apathy as all denominations are losing members.  Too many of we Christians are luke warm. We need to be revitalized.

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