Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm Not Superstitious -- maybe I Might Be Just Little Bit

I've never considered myself  superstitious. I remember a question on the navy GCT test -- a person should not walk under a ladder because-- multiple choice, two answers being  becauses it  is dangerous or because it is bad luck.  I wondered how many would choose the second answer.  Anyway this is a lead-in to an experience I had years ago.  I had driven from Homer to the Shreveport post office to get a press association entry postmarked before midnight.  Outside the post office I met a one-legged man who asked me for money.  I gave him a couple of dollars and gave him a ride to the Rescue Mission where he could spend the night. He told me he had hitchhiked from Washington to Florida to seek work picking fruit, but no one would hire him so he was hitchhiking back to Washington.  As he got out of the car he handed me two pennies. He said he had found the pennies in the highway and had nothing but bad luck since.  I'm  not superstitious but as I drove away I threw those pennies out the window as far as I could throw them. Later I learned had been awarded several first place awards in the newspaper contests.

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