Friday, May 28, 2010

Remember Those Who Sacrificed Therir Lives

A few weeks ago when I called attention to VE Day the first comment I received was that there are too many dates to remember.  Very true, but whether you remember VE Day, VJ Day, or any dates of wars or significant battles, or your birthday, your wife's birthday, or your wedding anniversary, please  give a thought to those who died so we can have freedom.   Memorial Day is more than the unofficial first day of summer but is to honor and commemorate those who gave their lives in defense of this nation.  Men and women are still giving their lives; the death toll in Afghanistan has just reached l,000.   Take a moment to remember them and to pray for their families. I accept that there are many opinions as to how and when the observance began, but Congress established the last Monday in May as the official day  and this year  that is May 3l.

If you will pardon a personal note -- some years ago when I was elected commander of the local American Legion post, I committed to myself that the post would remain a l00 per cent post in membership and that all programs would be continued. One of these was Memorial Day, and we had a simple service with music and an oration by a local minister.  When the service was concluded some Gold Star mothers came by to thank me for the service, saying they appreciated it.  One lady had tears in her eyes  as she said, in almost these exact words, "Please continue this every year, it means so much to us who lost a loved one."  I have never forgotten that.

1 comment:

  1. Roy,
    I saw your blog entry on March 31 about the USS Pickens.
    My father was on that ship during WW2.
    Mark M. White PhM3/C Xray Technician and ships photographer.
    I have several of his writings and photos from the campaigns at Iwo Jima, Siapan, etc.
    John White
