Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cabbages and Other Things

I have written comments on several current events but have not finished them so of course have not posted them.  I find it difficult to keep interested in writing if no one  is reading  what I write, or at least not commenting.
Well, it's not all bad. I learned today that I am entitled to the FOS military commendation, an award I earned more than 65 years ago but did not realize it.

I was watching  an episode of the British comedy, "As Time Goes By," when Lionel and Jean were involved in a fracas with some thuggish snobs (or snobbish thugs) in the town Li and Jean visit on weekends. The affair was about to get physical when Jean said, in a threatening way, " Lionel served in Korea where he earned a KBM." As they left Lionel asked what she meant. Jean explained it meant Kicked By Mule.  A light came on for me as I realized I had earned the FOS, Fell Off Ship. Maybe it will be presented to me along with the Philippine Liberation Medal.  I can wait.

1 comment:

  1. I read all your posts now that I get an email. I'll go with you to the philippines when you decide to go.
