Thursday, November 13, 2014

Time for me moves fast

Tempus fugit ( time flies) or sometimes crawls.  Yes, scientists and children  can tell that time is relative.  To a child the last week before Christmas takes at least six months to pass, while to their mom time is whizzing by as she tries to finish shopping, wrap and mail presents, and prepare the house and food.

For an elder person like me, time drags and flies simultaneously as I  wait in the doctor's office for lab results. But overall, the limited time we have left passes so swiftly.  Here it is almost Thanksgiving and I have not yet digested last year's turkey.

One problem for all of us this season is the rush by retailers to start advertising Christmas shopping so early. I can remember when most people did their Christmas shopping on Christmas  Eve.  Now, just wait -- some big chain will begin advertising holiday specials so early that shoppers will begin lining up on July 5.

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