Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A note about spinal meningitis

Princeton university's problem with meningitis and the search for a cure brought to my mind the time I had meningitis.  I was in the navy (World War II) and  on the day  I completed radar school I came down with spinal meningitis.  I was treated in the San Diego Naval Hospital.

I was given sulfadiazene and penicillin, the sulfa being a specific for meningitis and the penicillin to treat any bacterial infection that struck.

Years after leaving the navy I saw in my medical records that I was first diagnosed as having viral meningitis, later changed to bacterial.  I was told antibiotics are not effective against viral attacks but vaccinations are usually effective.

Let's hope this once rare ailment does not  become resistant to our treatments.  I learned at our class reunion that one member had meningitis twice.

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