Saturday, August 10, 2013

Those "phoney" scandals

I recently read a list of 20 so-called Obama scandals and another list of 22.  Some on either list could be treated with an apology and a promise to clean them up. Some, including Benghazi, IRS and NSA are enough for impeachment if the president was not given a pass by the mainstream media and Democrats.

Will we ever get complete and honest answers on Benghazi? That is really three scandals,  the failure to act to protect the Benghazi mission, the change in talking points to blame a video for the attack, and  where Obama was and what he did the night of the attack.

The IRS continues to flout the law and answers must come sometime, but I would be happy to get the answers on Benghazi.  We cannot allow terrorist to murder our diplomats without paying a price.

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