Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Waldo memory of Dad's

I wonder why when we used to visit in Waldo, Ark. that Dad never had as go by the big house in which he lived for about 15 years.  He often talked about the years from about 1900 to 1917  being a great time to live in America, especially in a small town.  We visited the log cabin in Claiborne parish where he was born but we never got a picture of it. I have a postcard on which are pictured  Dad, Uncle Perry and some field hands harvesting  sugar cane on their farm at Waldo.

One complaint Daddy had about the farm at Waldo was that it was bisected by a railroad, resulting in them being disturbed by the sounds and lights of trains.  When a train reached a certain point it would be pointing directly at the house.  One night Daddy was partially awakened by the train light shining through a window.  He started yelling "fire" and got his brother Henry up and to a window.  He said  "jump' and Uncle Henry, still not fully awake, jumped out the window.  Daddy was right behind him but was enough awake now not to jump.

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