Friday, June 22, 2012

Turnip Greens vs. Mustard greens

I was craving greens several days ago and my wife responded by cooking three bunches of mustard greens. Since I am the only greens eater in the family now that was just a little over-reaching.  Mustard or turnip, most people call them all turnip greens, and you either like them a lot or can't stand them.

Tastes change.  When I was a youngster I hated them.  One Saturday as we were returning home after sawing wood all day, my dad said, "I'm so hungry tonight I could eat turnip greens."  I was surprised that I felt the same way, but sometime greens became one of my favorite vegetables

As I said, tastes change. One reason is that children have more sensitive taste buds; as we get older we require stronger flavors.  My youngest sister was a picky eater as a child.  If  she had a choice among three vegetables, she would pick one and that's all she would eat.  That's why my mother was shocked when her daughter came home from LSU, with a girl friend, and at the supper table asked "where are the turnip greens."   She had never eaten greens at home but had developed a taste for them while at school.


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