Friday, August 19, 2011

Elimnate the negatives and create jobs

          You've got to accentuate the positive
          Eliminate the negative
          Latch on to the affirmative
         Don't mess with Mister in-between

So goes the words of the old song made popular by Bing Crosby.   

The president claims that when his vacation is over he is going to reveal a plan to create jobs and if the Republicans do not go along with his plan he will campaign against Congress while seeking re-election.
If he has a plan, why wait? Come out with it now. More and more people are losing their jobs. Part of his plan is likely to be another stimulus,  larger and more costly than the first one that was such a failure.

Why not eliminate the negatives first?  They won't cost a cent.  Get the EPA and its unnecessary regulations off the backs of industry.  Do the same for the Interior and Energy departments.  Lower taxes on corporations  -- 10 per cent of something is more than 35 per cent of nothing.  Allow corporations to bring money back to this country free of taxation.  Do away with Obamacare.  I can add other actions that will help bring jobs back, including developing our energy, but why not immediately do away with the negatives?

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