Monday, September 21, 2015

I dispute pope on global warming

This blog has never gotten involved in discussions of religion beliefs or practices, but I am certain that when a religious leader makes political statements I am free to  dispute them.  The pope is a strong supporter of  taking action against global warming and is outspoken against capitalism.  I find fault with both  issues.

It seems that many who speak out about global warming are wealthy or otherwise free of harm from rules that are claimed to reduce damage from climate change.

Regulations like those proposed by EPA would terribly  hurt the poor and middle class.  Higher costs could force small businesses to lay off workers or even go out of business.  Obama has said he wants to double energy costs for householders.  This could cause  many to suffer from heat and cold.

I won't go so far as call the pope's economic  stance is similar to communism, but he is so wrong on the economy.  Who does he think creates jobs?

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