Thursday, June 4, 2015

Shell Back initiation

No billboards  announced  it; the water and sky were unchanged, but there was no doubt we were crossing the equator.  King Neptune, dressed in  robes of splendor,  accompanied by his queen and other member of his courrt,  had taken over the ship.  His cohorts, including Davey Jones,  began rounding up the slimy Poly Wogs to determine who would be worthy of the title of Shell Back.

I was in a small group that followed a couple of others.  While we waited to begin the initiation,  the fire hose was turned on us full force, nearly drowning us.We were tried and convicted of some crime and then   went from station to station, including the barber chair, kiss the baby, stocks   -- are some I can recall.  The climax was sliding down a greased platform while Shell Backs stood on both sides and pounded us with clubs.  Davey Jones was at the bottom wielding his electric charged fork. 

The initiation of  sailors  goes back at least 450 years in Western civilization.

(I can never prove I am a Shell Back.  My membership  card was in my locker when it was broken into and robbed)

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