Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Victory in Jesus

Terrorism alert -- what can we do?

Be alert for terrorists and stay away from soft targets.  That is the essence of what our security experts tell us. But what really can we do?  If we see some one lugging  cooking pots filled with explosives, we can call  an official.  Let us be realistic -- we can do little.

At least our agencies accept that our danger may be greater because the nation will be celebrating Independence Day.  That is better than when 9-ll was ignored and Benghazi was attacked.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

A mixed message

No, the message was plain -- Jessica received an E-Mail Sunday morning announcing that her Visa has been approved for stay in Israel.   What is mixed is our feelings -- pleased that the Visa will be issued but sad that Jessica will be leaving next Sunday, July 5.

We have known the time was coming, but as the days slipped by so quickly we have become sadder. We are proud of her and know she will do worthwhile things.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Terrorists strike -- We do nothing

Isis strikes a museum in Tunisia killing 28, mostly visitors from other countries.  An American chemical plant  in France is attacked and terrorists cut man's head off.   Isis uses explosives to destroy mosque in Kuwait.
  Does America make the criminal terrorists suffer from our reprisal?  No, the United States of the past would , but we are now a nation of cowards.

Only the Kurds have courage enough to fight Isis.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Colonel J. W. Berry Tombstone

Monument for J. W. Berry in Minden Cemetery.  When I was a child we visited the cemetery often, primarily because my grandparents, Thomas Turpin Lowe and Frances Lowe were buried there.  Now, among relatives and friends buried in the cemetery are my parents, Jesse W. and Minnie Berry Lowe.

We found a small gravestone under an oak tree that had the name of  Berry.  Later I read that this marked the grave of Joseph Berry who died while leading a group from Ohio to Texas.   His son, J. W., stayed and became an active leader in developing Minden, Louisiana.

We visit Bit in Texas

Visited sister Jennie Lowe Walter in Fort Worth Wednesday. Making the trip were wife Jen, son Josh,   daughter Jessica, and I.  Jessica wanted to visit her Aunt Bit before leaving for   a year-long mission in Israel. It was an opportunity for Bit and I to  share memories and tell a few  lies.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Will tearing down the Confederate flag give you pleasure

So the Confederate battle flag must come down in South Carolina.  Hatreds of the South and Conservatives use the crimes of a disturbed man to push for outlawing guns and disallowing display of the flag under which many brave men gave their lives.

I have never displayed the flag -- not because I am ashamed of its use in battle but because of those such as the KKK  have disgraced it.

I am not ashamed but am proud that my grandfather T. T. Lowe, and my great grandfather J.  W. Berry fought to defend their homes and families from Yankee aggression.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Remembering an event in Homer

Sometimes my mind recalls people and events in Homer; which is  not surprising since I spent 20 active years there.  I'm going to use letters for names here, although many old timers will know whom I am writing about.

F was doing some work on the fire station  and city hall across the street from the school board offices. It was near five and F went across the street to visit with R.   After several minutes of conversation, R said to F, "I'll give you two dollars for those pants you are wearing."  F agreed; he said "Give me the two dollars and you can have the pants."

R said, "if you get the money now, I get the pants now."  F grabbed the two dollars, removed his pants, and walked across the street in his underwear.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Where is he now?

A better question would be "what happened to this boy who volunteered to make another tour in Vietnam?"

Of course, this was about a half century ago.  A young man had completed a tour of duty in Vietnam and was visiting his uncle in Homer.  As soon  as his leave was completed he planned to volunteer for another tour of duty in Vietnam "because I believe the United States is doing the right thing in defending the South Vietnamese from the Viet Cong."

Was he called names, spit on and mistreated?  Or was he recognized as a decent and heroic American fighting man?   He was representative of many young men who have never been given the recognition they deserve

Monday, June 15, 2015

Pickens visits Noumea

If I ever knew why the Pickens, and others in a convoy, visited the Solomon Islands unless it was so we could cross the equator. Rumors were that we were headed for New Zealand or Australia.  We were excited at this rumor because we were told the women there were attractive and willing.

We went on to Noumea, New Caledonia, spending several days there although we had little recreation unless transportation was provided.  Alcohol of some kind was available and taken advantage off.  While there, one third of the crew manned the ship; one  third was on liberty, and the rest of the crew took care of the drunks.

Why we were there I do not know, but we were told we loaded on some material and delivered it to Saipan.

Jessica is 25 today

Israel is difficult to deal with although it has no  problem  in accepting  billions from  the United States.  Jessica has learned that to get her  visa she must supply a letter declaring she has no criminal record and another letter assuring she is free of disease.

Today is Jessica's birthday; she is 25,  She was born the Monday following Father's Day in 1990, and we refer to her as my Father's Day gift.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Spring issue of Louiaiana Agriculture arrives

I am still on the list to receive a copy of this  glossy attractive magazine, and I am not entitled to it.  This spring issue was devoted to a variety of articles of methods of turning crops into energy.   A couple of cropss that have potential are sweet sorghum and switchgrass.

An interesting article was on an overview and perspective on biofuels and bioprocessing  in Louisiana.

I am in favor of developing biomass for energy as long as the operation is economically profitable, something use of corn is not.

Friday, June 12, 2015


 Shown is  Col. J. W. Berry and wife Camilla Hadley Berry. He is our great grandfather.

The Berry Plantation
The purpose of this column today is to discus the historical significance of the property; or rather what is probably the greatest historical significance of the property. It is one that has somewhat escaped attention in this matter as the focus has been on the historic Stewart Home and on the contributions of the Stewart family to Minden. Those are both very important elements of our history. But the event that had the deepest and the longest lasting impact related to that property took place nearly half a century before the Stewart Home was built in the waning days of the Civil War, when, according to local tradition and some written sources the land in question was part of the Berry Plantation; home of pioneer settler J. W. Berry.
*Photo Above: Col Berry and Camilia Hadley Berry

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Congratulations, Jessica

Jessica was commissioned elder of the United Methodist Church during a ceremony of the Louisiana Methodist Conference Monday night.  She was one  of 12 who will begin their careers as ministers or will continue their service if they had already begun serving.  Kelly Bourne, associate pastor of Christ UMC, was in that group.

While most of these new elders will be assigned churches, Jessica will begin as a missionary in Israel, leaving home in early July to begin service in the mission field.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Sarah was right -- and so was I

Every thing Sarah Palin said has been ridiculed by the Democrats and the  left-wing press.   When  gasoline was four dollars a gallon Sarah urged more  domestic production of oil and gas,  promising  that this would result in lower gas prices and fewer dollars going overseas.  Like many of her statements, Palin has been proven right and Obama has been proven wrong again.

A couple years ago I reviewed my blog and found that eleven times I had called for more drilling, citing the benefits of increased production of energy.  I, of course, have no influence but I feel good knowing I still have a brain and can think although my  memory has holes in it.

Friday, June 5, 2015

D-Day Normandy

D-Day can be applied to any battle as the first day, but ask any persons  about D-Day and they will immediately think of the  first day of the invasion of Normandy.   On June 6, 1944, Allied forces invaded Normandy and began the battle to defeat Germany and end the war in Europe.

We have so many battles to remember but Normandy will never be forgotten.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Shell Back initiation

No billboards  announced  it; the water and sky were unchanged, but there was no doubt we were crossing the equator.  King Neptune, dressed in  robes of splendor,  accompanied by his queen and other member of his courrt,  had taken over the ship.  His cohorts, including Davey Jones,  began rounding up the slimy Poly Wogs to determine who would be worthy of the title of Shell Back.

I was in a small group that followed a couple of others.  While we waited to begin the initiation,  the fire hose was turned on us full force, nearly drowning us.We were tried and convicted of some crime and then   went from station to station, including the barber chair, kiss the baby, stocks   -- are some I can recall.  The climax was sliding down a greased platform while Shell Backs stood on both sides and pounded us with clubs.  Davey Jones was at the bottom wielding his electric charged fork. 

The initiation of  sailors  goes back at least 450 years in Western civilization.

(I can never prove I am a Shell Back.  My membership  card was in my locker when it was broken into and robbed)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

LSU captures first national golf title

Congratulations to the LSU golf team, which has just defeat the  USC team to win the national championship.  It was LSU's first tittle since 1955.

Remembering Herbert Ford

Shown in the Homer Guardian-Journal recently  are 19 officers and directors of the Herbert S. Museum.  The museum must be active and that's a good thing.

I met Herbert Ford and toured his museum the second week I came to Homer as editor of the Guardian-Journal.  The museum was in a box car, of interest itself.  I was amazed at the number and variety of items on display, including a uniform  from the Second World War, antiques from the 18th and 19th centuries, and bells.

More interesting than  any item was Ford himself.  He was a founder of the American Legion, having been a member of the  group who met in Paris to get the Legion started.

Homer Legionaires wanted  to present Ford with a Founder's medal and decided the Legion annual conference, meeting that year in Monroe, would be a good time.  I took Ford to the conference, where he received the medal, and took him home.  Before we left Monroe we passed a liquor store and Ford wanted to stop to check on the price of Old Hickory whiskey, his favorite brand.

He told the lady operating the store, "Your price is too high; my wife only  gives me a little money each week."  The lady responded, " You old sob; she shouldn't give you a dime."

Monday, June 1, 2015

"Take down that damned Poly Wog Flag now!

After several weeks at Saipan the Pickens was ordered to join several other ships and head to the Solomon Islands.  I don't know the purpose.  The crew ws divided between  those who had previously crossed the equator and were called Shell Backs, and those who were   crossing for the first time and were Poly Wogs.

Some bold Poly Wogs struck first, interrupting Shell Back meetings  and flying the Poly Wog flag on top of the mast. This angered the admiral, who called on the Pickens to scream, "Take down that damned Poly Wog flag  now!"

The big problem was no one could cllimb the mast except the man who erected the flag.  After receiving threats of punishment, the guilty Poly Wog took it down. 

Score one for the Poly Wogs.