The EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency) has plans to kill the elderly and the very young.
Yes, I recognize this is a provocative statement, but I can prove it. Obama and the EPA plan to require more restrictive regulations of carbon emissions, announcing this will shut 411 coal-fired electric power plants, eliminating 40 per cent of our electric production and doubling household utility bills. Obama has promised to accomplish this. since he first took office.
Each summer we see headlines of numbers of people who die from the heat. Many of these cannot afford air conditioning or even a fan. Many more deaths can be certain as utility rates go up and brown-outs become more common. Poor people will be forced to choose between having food or paying high utility rates.
It is little short of criminal for an federal department, not elected by the people or by Congress, can levy regulations that create such a disaster. According their own projections, the new regulations, when fully implemented, will achieve a decrease in carbon of two per cent while the world will see emissions go up by 35 per cent. Makes a lot of sense, doesn't it?
Our economy gets worse daily because every action by Obama is totally wrong and, according to the EPA, they will cause the loss of two and one-half million jobs in the next ten years.
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