Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"I can do anything I want"

While visiting in France, Obama was heard to say, "That's what good about being president, I can do anything I want."

He has been violating the constitution almost daily.  There used to be a cartoon explaining how a bill was introduced and the various steps it took to become law.  It didn't say the president could write the laws nor did it say Congress is composed of cowards who permit Obama to do whatever he wants.

The Democrats slapped together the so-called Affordable Care Act.  It has shown up as a terrible act for the health system as well as a blow to our sick economy.  Obama will not admit Abamacare is a failure; instead he makes changes that he hopes will get the Democrats by the next election.  The Republications cry, pointing out that Obama is running over the constitution, but they have not the guts to begin impeachment proceedings.

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