Official policy of the federal government toward marijuana is use of it is harmful and unlawful. President Obama on the other hand in an interview in the New Yorker seems to support smoking pot, saying alcohol is worse.
Can you imagine the anger and frustration of parents whose kids take up using pot and argue the president says it is okay?
The federal government has medical evidence that use of marijuana while young results in permanent brain damage. Perhaps, that is why Iran is able to claim they are winning in developing nuclear weapons. Iran also threatens the oil shipping routes in the Mideast. Is pot smoking why Iran is winning?
Can you imagine the anger and frustration of parents whose kids take up using pot and argue the president says it is okay?
The federal government has medical evidence that use of marijuana while young results in permanent brain damage. Perhaps, that is why Iran is able to claim they are winning in developing nuclear weapons. Iran also threatens the oil shipping routes in the Mideast. Is pot smoking why Iran is winning?
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