Thursday, December 19, 2013

Obama will make elderly hurt the most

New taxes, 20 of them, will go into effect January 1, just one more way Obamacare will cut the earnings for most everyone, especially the middle class.  Some taxes will be easily identified; others will be passed to the consumer.

We have learned that many people are forced off their health plan and in some instances will pay higher premium for less benefits.  The economy is hurting from Obamacare, but we've yet to learn how much damage will do to an already sick economy.

But probably the worst effect of the law will be to the elderly. If you need a hip or knee surgery, try to schedule it before January or suffer it.  Obamacare can stop treatment for the elderly; that is written into the law, and there seems to be no way out of this nightmare as long as Obama is running it.

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