Thursday, October 24, 2013

We must become self-sufficient in energy

Four decades -- forty years. That is how long the United States has had to take action to  insure no one country or combination of countries can deprive us of the energy we require.  The Saudis anger with Obama  and a threat of an oil embargo force us to face this fact -- we are still vulnerable.

I am among many people who have been calling for the United States to become self-sufficient in energy.
Doing this can be accomplished in a very few  years owing to the increased production of natural gas from shale. Standing in the way are Obama and environmental wackos. Despite Obama our production of oil and gas has increased, almost entirely on private lands.

By the way, Saudi Arabia leads the world in oil but ranks third when natural gas in included.  Then who is the world's leader in oil and gas combined?  No, Russia is second; the United States is the world's leader in oil and gas production, but we still import half of what we use.

A total  of 9.8 million jobs are created by the oiil and gas industry, according to the American Petroleum Institute.   Think what a boost to the economy if we doubled our production.  Would this add some five million good jobs?  I think without doubt.

Louisiana ranks third in oil and gas jobs with 412,600, behind Texas with 1,938,000, and California with 793,000.

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