Thursday, August 1, 2013

August brings memories

August on the farm had its good points but also some not so good.  Best was the food -- a variety of freah vegetables and fruit, including cantaloupe with your peas and corn at lunch and watermelon early every afternoon.

Most crops are "laid by' with no more cultivation required.  Most harvesting of crops including cotton, peanuts, and sweet potatoes began later in the month, going on into September and November for sugar cane.

Haying went on and led to "the ox is in the ditch" when a shower would threaten Sunday afternoon.  We would hustle to get the hay in before rain got to it.

Dad had special jobs lined up for any spare time we had in August.  Once we built a chicken house and I can still feel how it hurt to re-roof a barn with tin when the temperature hit 100 degrees.

Revivals were customarily held during August.  We tried to stay cool by fanning with fans provided by the funeral homes.

Some memories never completely leave us.

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