Thursday, May 16, 2013

Are you ready for IRS to decide your medical care?

If the power to tax is the power to destroy (and it is), then how do we describe the power of the Internal Revenue Service, which can confiscate your house and all you possess now, in the future, and forever?

The powers of the IRS can be used (as Obama did) to reward  friends and punish enemies.  We now know the Obama campaign for re-election utilized a number of dirty tricks, including getting leaks from IRS  to attack Romney.

However, we haven't seen anything yet.  Obama will soon turn 15,000 IRS agents on America to enforce provisions of  Obamacare,.  Taking your money is bad but controlling your medical care is much worse.  Not only will the IRS have a voice in what health plan your employer or you have, be sure the IRS will dertermine who gets a needed operation and who does not.  Eventually, if Obamacare is fully carried out, the IRS may decide who lives and who dies.

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