Thursday, April 4, 2013

I've got Irritable robbery syndrome

Yes, the deadline to  file federal income tax is a few days away and I am stressed mentally, emotionally, and physically.  When a person reaches an advanced age, he should be excused from dealing with the IRS and its complications.  Maybe all we earn from  every source should just go directly to the government which would then dole out what the feds want us to have.  Wait, is  not that what Obama is striving for?

Filing returns early is not an option for many; there's always one or two items of tax information that arrive only a few days before April 15.  It may be a report on as little s 48 cents earned in interest but it has to be included.

I have been considering joining that group who carry a paper sack of reports of wages, interest and dividends earned, losses, etc, dump it all on the desk of a tax professional and say," Here, get me some money back like you promise in your ads."

          (Triumph! Federal and state returns filed and accepted!)

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