Thursday, February 14, 2013

Changes urgent to save economy

First, I must confess that I did not watch the Obama state of the union address, nor did I watch the two speeches that followed.  My opinion is formed by the media pundits who before the speech informed us what Obama would say and by the pundits who, after the speech, told us what he said.

Obama was supposed to mostly concern himself with improving the economy and creating jobs, but his speech was dedicated mostly to gun control and special privileges for aliens. Not surprisingly, Obama either cares not for job creation or has no idea what to do.  Since the day he promised he would not rest until there were good jobs for everyone, he has spent 57 days on vacation.  Now, he has gone on his second vacation in the first six weeks of the year.

Since Obama was elected the first time, there are 8.7 million fewer people in the work force.  Of  the jobs that have been created, 67 per cent have gone to immigrants.  I bet you didn't know that.

To create jobs the Obama administration could repeal all of the unnecessary regulations that handicap business.  Refusal to allow a pipeline to be built is costing thousands of  jobs as is the prevention of a electric generating plant in Texas. Sure, with all the jobs we need, thousands are a drop in the bucket. Allowing the full development of our abundant coal, oil and natural gas would provide millions of jobs. 

Instead of creating jobs we are adding 11,000 people to the food stamp roles every day.  Every day we learn of a new or expanding cost built into Obamacare. A lot of changes must be made for any chance to save this nation's economy.

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