Monday, December 17, 2012

Get to the back of the line

I attended Jen's office party the other night with Jen and Doc Moore arguing whether it was the 28th or 29th for the  company,  which began with four people.  The affair was held at the spacious Shreveport Country Club.

Food was great, served buffet style which meant there was a  line, and where there is a line for food I think of standing in line aboard ship.  I remembered an occasion when I had reached the end of the line and picked up a tray only to be ordered to go back to the end of the line and start over.

This didn't happen on the USS Pickens but on the ship I know only as AGC 11, a ship with the most modern and sophisticated electronics at the time.  The navy invited several former radiomen and radarmen with World War experience to spend two weeks aboard the ship as it sailed for about 100 miles from shore. We were from the New Orleans district and found that we were not expected nor wanted.  Instead of being enticed to re-enlist we were determined not to participate again.  I had once considered doing this every summer.

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