Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My take on the debate

As far as giving the voters a better idea of what to expect depending upon who is elected, the debate failed miserably.  The only new matter since the first debate was the murderous attack on Benghazi. Obama lied but Cindy Crowley, the moderator, jumped to his support.  At this time she went from being biased for Obama to a member of his team.

Some of you know that I have written more than a dozen times calling for us to use our oil, natural gas, coal and other sources of energy to make this nation self-sufficient, which in addition to improving national security would boost the economy and create jobs.  Romney was absolutely right when he said that Obama has issued far fewer drilling permits and has caused a decline in production of oil and gas on government land.

Is this just a coincidence or an evidence of bias by Crowley?  She allowed Obama four more minutes, several times cutting off Romney and calling on the president to speak.She interrupted Romney 28 times, calling on Obama for time only 9 times.  This was just a more extreme practice followed  in all three debates, including that for vice-president.

Expect the unfairness to continue with the next liberal moderator.  The American people are beginning to recognize the truth and the lies and can distinguish the difference.  We are still demanding the truth about Benghazi and until we get it we'll keep demanding an answer from Obama who won't always have a moderator to protect him and his lies.

(While the media spinsters are trying to make Obama the debate winner "on points," polls taken after the debate find voters giving Romney a big edge on jobs, taxes, health and foreign policy.  Gallup has just now released a poll of likely voters which has Romney at 5l and Obama at 45.)

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