Thursday, October 4, 2012

A few words on the debate

During the presidential debate Wednesday, October 2, Mitt Romney  had to continue to correct the misstatements President Obama kept making about Romney's proposal on taxes.  Today, the Obama campaign was making those false statements again.  With the help of the news media, Obama can continue telling an untruth over and over again and not be called on it.

Unable to defend its poor record on the economy, the Obama campaign keeps saying Romney has "kept secret" his plans for restoring the economy and creating jobs.  During the Republican primary debates, Romney was accused of having a plan that was too detailed and too complicated, unlike the simplicity of Cain's "9-9-9 plan."

Not too complicated but specific enough, here is part of Romney's plan as I understand it:

Take advantage of our wealth in coal, oil and natural gas; drill in more areas, produce more, put millions to work, and restore the nation to self-sufficiency in energy.

Reduce the taxes on corporations and encourage them to bring their mony from overseas back home to expand and create jobs.

Repeal harmful and needless regulations that keep industry from growing.

Replace Dodd-Frank and get banks lending again.

Do away with Obamacare and its high costs on individuals and companies.  Companies are afraid to add employees and doctors and hospitals may retire and close because of requirements.

Encourage congress to agree on taxes before January 1 in order for companies to plan and hopefully hire.

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