Monday, September 10, 2012

Vists to Philippines forgotten

According to the booklet  "The Story of the Pickens," we visited several Philippine islands two or maybe three times; yet, I have no memory whatsoever of any of the visits. Of course, I know that we took the Blackhawk Division  there to occupy the islands, and took the troops that had been stationed there to go to Japan and occupy that country.

I have a packet of kodak pictures of  Philippine scenes but I am not in any of the pictures and they do not scratch up any memories.  I don't know where the snapshots came from or who gave them to me.  What bothers me more is that we visited San Pedro three times and I have no memory of  any of the visits. On the other hand, I think I have pretty clear memories of San Francisco, including being on the radar as we arrived
at dawn in the fog.

Like many veterans, when I left the navy I had no interest in recalling the experience. Now when family members of veterans become interested in their father's or other relative's service on the Pickens, we crew members left don't have much to offer them.

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