Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In which direction is Obama driving us?

You have two cows --

>SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.
>COMMUNISM: You have two cows.  You give them to the government, and the government then gives you some milk.
>FASCISM: You have two cows.  You give them to the government and the government then sells you some milk.
>CAPITALISM: You have two cows.  You sell one and buy a bull.
>NAZISM: You have two cows.  The government shoots you and tales the cows.
>NEW DEALISM: You have two cows.  The government takes both, shoots one, buys milk from the other cow, then pours the milk  down the drain.

This is an old joke from the 1930's, but history has a way of repeating itself, especially is we refuse to learn from the past.

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