Sunday, March 18, 2012

Thoughts on a Sunday afternoon

I  made it to Sunday School and church today though feeling weak after having so much trouble Saturday.  I washed two loads of clothes, certainly not a lot of physical activity, and got weak, had chest pains and blood pressure over 200. It was down to 170 when Jessica called at 10:30.  We talked until 11 and  that made me feel better. It's bad to have symptoms and pain that worry at any time but worse when you are alone.
Scripture for the lesson from the Gospel of John today was on turning water into wine at Cana.  We had a hard time learning much from that.  From the discussion about the seven-day wedding party where wine had run out and Jesus did his first miracle at the request of his mother,  Don began to talk about big family gatherings where women spent all their time in the kitchen preparing food.
I got to thinking about how when you had company, like when you fed the preacher and his family, children ate last. One place that didn't happen was at my Grandma Berry's house.  Children ate  first, men second and then the women could take their time and visit.  My dad said when he was a kid they didn't even get clean plates.  After adults were finished the children had to eat from the plates already used.  I hope he was exaggerating but probably not; remember,  children were to be seen and not heard.


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