Thursday, September 8, 2011

Candidates agree with my position on energy

Back in February I researched my blog and found that in the previous year  I had ten times called for more development of oil and gas,  pointing out that it would keep 500 billion dollars in this country and could create hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Last night at the debate several candidates emphasized this.  Romney, refusing to ridicule Bachman's promise of two dollar gas, stated the United States has great reserves of oil, gas and coal and can utilize nuclear energy, making importation of energy unnecessary.  Bachman said the US could save 500 billion and create a million jobs by developing our energy resources. She was supported by Gingrich. The call for utilizing our wealth of energy is going to get louder and louder as people without jobs press their congressmen for action.

Obama cannot continue to penalize our fossil industry while rewarding his contributors with grants and loans. He was so proud of the panel manufacturer which received over 500 million dollars but now has  declared bankruptcy.  Who in our news media will ask him to explain why the principals of this company visited him 20 times and gave him hundreds of thousands of dollars?

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