Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unemployment is not getting better

In the more than two years since the stimulus went into effect, the United States has 1.9 million fewer Americans with jobs.  This is according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which reportedt in February that 141.7 million people were employed.   By the end of May this year the number had fallen to 139.8 million, a difference of 1.9 million.

The employment situation is worse than those figures because an increase in jobs is necessary for this nation to enjoy prosperity.  More and more workers are losing their jobs while few new jobs are created.  The stimulus plan was an abysmal failure.

Another report is even more disturbing.  One in five American men are without jobs.  That is an unofficial unemployment rate, not just 9 per cent but 20 per cent.

I can't do anything personally but I do get angry.  Some company officials are  quoted as saying they have jobs available but cannot find workers with the skills needed so they move the jobs overseas.  Have people heard of training workers to fill the jobs?  Tool and die workers, for example, are not produced in a vacuum.. We have vocational technical schools; take advantage of what they offer.  Also, we can tailor training to fill jobs if they exist.  Our tax policies should favor the companies who provide jobs at home and penalize those who go overseas and employ shyster accounting to avoid paying taxes to the United States.  Hear me, big GE?

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