Friday, July 29, 2011

Captain of Pickens forces crew to get boot camp haircuts

We were just a few days away from San Francisco (1945).  We had been briefed and knew we would be there only long enough to take on troops and materiel before we went to Japan as the first invading force.  We were mostly young, many still teenagers, so our spirits were high because we would liberty somewhere than an empty island and there was a possibility of leaves.  Then came an order from the captain -- everyone must get a haircut. Not just a haircut but the kind we got in boot camp with our heads practically shaved.  We would be wearing ribbons and battle stars we had earned but with shaved heads we would seem to have just been released from the brig.  We protested; the chaplain and the executive officer even cursed the captain, but to no avail.  We lined up and had all our hair chopped off.  We knew the captain was a bastard but this was cruelty only an evil mind could conceive.

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