Remember who led the fight to inflict Obamacare on this nation? Senator Reid and Cong Pelosi, following the bidding of Obama, slammed it down our throats with not a vote to spare, granting all kinds of favors to win votes. If it is such a good thing why have hundreds of waivers been granted to friends of the Obama administration? Human and Health (HHS) granted 204 waivers in April alone. All of Nevada, Reid's home state, was granted a waiver, while 38 waivers were granted in that month alone for Pelosi's district, especially for hotels, night clubs and restaurants.
Obamacare is great -- for everyone except the scoundrels who forced it upon us. This is just one of many disasters Obama and his crowd are imposing on us. Blow a kiss to Obama when you pay $50 for the light bulb mandated by Obama. That's right, no mistake, the bulbs will cost 50 dollars each. Obama supporters will probably get them free.
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