Thursday, April 14, 2011

Teachers Did Crazy Things in My Day, Also

What is going on in the mind  of some of these teachers?  A special education teacher forced all of her students to remove their underwear so she could see who had soiled theirs; a grammar school teacher had her pupils surround one child and shout oink and call him piggy; a Chicago school has banned parents from sending lunches to school with their children, forcing them to pay $2.25 for a lunch they might not eat, and the president thinks throwing more money will cure our ailing schools.

Well, I can 't match those stories but I experienced something similar.  The teacher complained that someone had foot odor and he was going to ferret out the culprit.  He lectured us, saying we should wear clean socks daily (no argument there) and never wear the same shoes two days in a row (you mean some people have more than one pair of shoes).  He said he would walk the aisles and sniff  and would expose the people with stinky feet.  He had barely started when he stopped opposite a girl and indicated he had found some smelly feet. The girl became hysterical, forcing him to apologize and give up his search.

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