It may be unseemly to find fault with the hymn selection today when the choir sang so well that great hymn "How Great Thou Art," but the congregation was limited to two songs, neither an old and popular one. Nothing against them, but if we cannot have one gospel song, please let us sing two or three beloved hymns. How long has it been since we have sung, for instance, that song of salvation --
He lives, He lives, salvation to impart,
You ask me how I know He lives:
He lives within my heart!
Let me go back 70 years to McIntyre Methodist Church. Paul Cassels is leading the singing and his wife Molly is at the piano. Church opens and we sing two familiar hymns. There is a prayer or two, scripture is read, and the members go to their Sunday School classes. We return from Sunday School and sing at least one hymn. If it is the Sunday for us to have the preacher, he delivers his sermon and we close with a song. The service will include at least four, and often five songs. Maybe I am guilty of that old person's disease of saying things were better in days gone by. Even so, what would be wrong with singing more familiar songs?
Do not let this be considered in any way a reflection on Tom's sermon on "Struggling with Depression." He is talking about a real problem and his remarks have been educational and helpful.
Amen! We need another hymn sing at the church. There's just something about those old Gospel songs that make you feel good and get your toes to tapping! So for now, I'll Fly Away and see you in the Sweet Bye and Bye!