Thursday, February 24, 2011

Holy Cross Players Not So Holy in Football Game

Noting that Holy Cross is visiting the LSU baseball team for a three-game series brought to my mind that the   entire1942 Holy Cross backfield were officers on our ship.  They couldn't understand that I wasn't impressed when they boasted they had defeated Boston College in a football game. Heck, I didn't know Eastern colleges, much less outcomes of football games.  Today I did a little research and found out that Holy Cross won the game 55-12,  That is the most famous game played between the two schools, but not because of the score.  Boston College, heavily favored, had booked a celebration party at a club but cancelled after losing.  The club burned and 500 lost their lives.

I played touch football against the Holy Cross crew on a little island in the South Pacific.  I, who never played high school football, kept crashing into their backfield and tagging the ball carrier, upsetting them because out team was winning.  They went into a huddle and the next time I blindly crashed in, two teamed to block me, hitting me on both thighs at the same time.   They ignored the rule of no blocking below the waist, and they put me out of the game.

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