Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ramdom Thoughts This Saturday Morning

               Thankful for Good Night After Heart Spells Yesterday
Chest pains hit me twice yesterday afternoon.  First time was when I tried to close a garage door that should  have been replaced long ago.  A couple hours later I was bringing in groceries when I had a real severe attack.  I took some nitro, sat quietly, and the pain finally eased.  I hate that I can't even pick up anything just a little heavy without triggering pain.  As my cardiologist says, my mind wants to do things by my body says no.  I'll just have to adjust
               Delicious Irony.  Global Warmers Get Cold Weather in Cancun
Cancun gets coldest weather in 100 years as the city hosts the UN conference on man-made climate change.
The goal of this group is wealth redistribution, following the discredited plan of Al Gore and members of the Obama administration.  Cap and Trade with Pelosi leading the way passed the House several months ago, but with unemployment high and the economy hurting, the Senate has no stomach to vote for it. President Obama's expressed goal of destroying the coal industry and increasing utility costs for everyone will have to wait awhile.                                                -0-

               In Trouble For Spending, Spending and Spending 
Cuba will be insolvent in two to three years; Greece and Ireland rescued by European Union: Portugal in financial trouble; Spain could follow, and what about our United States?  What do all these nations have in common?  They spend money they do not have.  No, their problems are not because they don't tax enough; it's because they spend recklessly and have to borrow and print money.  This leads to low growth rates and high unemployment, which in turn reduces revenues which leads to borrowing and printing money, and on and on.  This nation's leaders cannot benefit from other's mistakes.  For instance, one reason for Portugal;s troubles is the decision to try to "go green," which increased the cost of energy.  Paying attention, Congress?
                 Less Drilling -- Oil and Gasoline Prices Escalate     
Oil is approaching $100 a barrel and gasoline is around $3.00 at the pump.  What did you expect?  The Gulf has been producing 30 per cent of the oil produced in the United States.  The moratorium on drilling in the gulf has been lifted, officially, but not effectively.  What additional restrictions will be placed on drilling? Who knows. Companies cannot commit exploration when they do not know the requirements. Expensive equipment lies idle and workers continue to be out of work.  You know what Washington in all its collective wisdom says  -- we'll just import more oil, with more money leaving the United States and Americans paying more at the pump.  Every time you buy gas, tip your hat and say, :"Thank you, Mr. Obama."


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