Tuesday, October 19, 2010

An Uninvited And Persistent Guest

Sunday night my son Josh returned from church and said a spider had built a web that reached from a tall canna several feet to the house.  He destroyed the web and Monday morning there was no sign of the spider or a web but Tuesday morning both had returned.  The spider was in the middle of a web about 18 inches across with one strand going several feet to reach the top of the house.  The spider, including its legs, is about the size of a quarter.  Not having knowledge of arachnids, I don't have any idea what type of spider it is. Could it be a descendant of the spider that inspired Robert the Bruce?   I know, that's pretty far-fetched.  His spider failed six times to attach its web to a cave wall but succeeded on the seventh try.  Bruce,  king of Scotland, having failed in battle with England six times, was inspired, rallied his men, and led them to victory.  I damaged this spider's web for the second time.  We will have to wait and see if he (or she) has the perseverance of the Scottish spider.

          "And  the rain came and washed the spider out."

Did the spider survive the shower?  Will he return and spin another big web?  Tune in tomorrow and find out.

Wednesday -- He's  back!  My spider (yes I'm claiming him; he has shown such determination.) He moved about 30 feet and has built his web at the southwest corner of the house.  I don't want him bothered yet; I am interested in what his plans are.

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