Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We Return from North Carolina

We had a great visit with Mark and Julie and, of course, Lily.  Jen got to hold her granddaughter for hours as she slept and at other times.  Lily was walking all over the place and babbling in a language we couldn't quite   understand.  She charmed everyone who saw her and who wouldn't enjoy the attentions of a beautiful one-year-old girl, who obviously knew she was providing entertainment.  She was very good most of the time but she definitely has a temper.  We were thinking of visiting the Bentonville battleground and museum Saturday but my minor health problem blocked that, but that was a minor disappointment as we spent as much time together as possible.  Now comes a little depression as we know it is likely several months before we see each other again.
Seeing Lily get so much adulation from everyone who saw her brought to mind  my grandmother Lowe's childhood, which was just the opposite, and I plan to write a few stories about my grandmother soon. She was quite  a lady,

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