Friday, May 7, 2010

Louisiana Medals for World War II Veterans

Why or when Louisiana legislators decided to award medals to the state's World War II veterans, I don't know. I do know that some veterans have been presented medals in ceremonies with the governor.Nationally, World War II veterans are dying at the rate of 800 per day.  If the state wants to honor veterans before they all pass away, then award the medals to all veterans now. There is no need to drag the program out to give Governor Jindall photo opportunities, if that is what is going on.  Surely, the governor is a better man than that.

Personally, medals mean very little to me.  I wouldn't have any if my wife had not forged my name on an application. I might feel differently if I was entitled to a medal of real significance, such as a Purple Heart or a Silver Medal.  I'm still waiting for my Philippine medal, and I'll wait longer, because the veteran has to apply to the Philippines for it!

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