Tuesday, March 30, 2010

USS Pickens (APA 190) at Okinawa

Tomorrow will be the 65th anniversary of the battle for Okinawa, one of the fiercest and bloodiest of World War II. Most Americans seem to have forgotten and fewer and fewer veterans are alive to remember it. I will have more to say tomorrow, but today I am reflecting on our ship's part in what took place that Easter morning April 1.
It was around 5 that Sunday morning and all ships were at general quarters, preparing for what was sure to come. The Pickens was second behind the Hinsdale in a column of attack transports loaded with the second marine division. We had seen how effective a few kamikazes were at Iwo Jima and knew many more would greet us. The Japanese suicide planes came in a wave. The Hinsdale was hit and at almost the same instant a plane headed for us hit the mast of an LST and crashed to the deck, causing explosions and fires. We quickly put boats in the water and picked up survivers from the Hinsdale, LST 584 and LST 724. Flag officers transferred from the Hensdale to our ship, and we helped take care of their troops. Planes crashed into ships all around us and set the stage for a battle that lasted for 82 days and took thousands of lives.


  1. Roy,
    My father was on the USS Pickens in WW2.
    I have many pictures and writings of his experiences on that ship.
    He past away in 1981. He would be 97 if alive.
    Anyone know him?
    Mark M. White PhM3/C Xray Technician.

    1. John, Would there be any way to get copies of your pictures and writings . I will be glad to pay you for your time ! THANKS !!
      Ken Pearson

    2. John, If you are receiving my emails on the USS Pickens PLEASE respond!! If some one else other than John receives these emails also PLEASE respond !!! THANKS SO MUCH !!!!
      Ken Pearson - My father was also on the USS Pickens !!!

  2. Roy,

    Thanks for posting your account of the battle at Okinawa. My father was a radio operator on the Pickens and remained with the ship until Norfolk in 1946. He has vivid memories of every engagement.

    He was called back during the Korean war, again as a radio operator.

    Today he lives in Arlington, Washington and is completing his 7th term as a fire commissioner.

    His name is:

    Bennett M Butters (radioman 2nd class)


  3. Thanks for posting this account. My grandfather was on the USS Pickens as well. He always wanted to know where it was even after I joined the Navy as well as a Radioman. He's shared a bit with me as well especially as I called him from each port that he was at when I was there.

    His name is: Perry Honani

    VaNiesha Honani

  4. My uncle Howard Paul Sweiger was on the USS Pickens, his service number was 329 49 73. He is still alive and well and living in Mankato, Minnesota. He likewise has a lot of stories about his time in the Navy. He is married to my father's sister.

    By David B. McGuire
    St. Peter, MN

  5. David, I am glad to hear from you about your uncle. I would like to hear from him. Does he or you have a gmail address?

  6. My father, Jose P. Ramirez, served on the Pickens up until his discharge on January 16,1946. He never really wanted to talk about his experience. As per his discharge papers, his ratings were AS, S2c, S1c, don't really know what that means. Unfortunately he passed away in 1996, but I was wondering if anybody out there might remember him, or if someone can tell me more about the ship and other battles that they might have been involved in. He was from Laredo, Texas. My e-mail address is rodram52@hotmail.com.

  7. My dad was Lt. J.G. John M. Bellis, and he also served on the Pickens. He was very close-mouthed about the kamikaze attacks at Iwo and Okinawa, but towards the end of his life told me several stories of bringing wounded Marines off Iwo, and how that made him want to become an M.D., which he did after the war. He said that Rosenthal, the Photographer who took the second set of Mt. Surabachi photos was on the Pickens before the landing. He also told stories about the Pickens and the fleet surviving a huge typhoon in mid 1945.

  8. My father was on the USS Pickens in WW2. He never would talk about his tour even when I returned from the service. When we started to research his service after he had past and found out what little we could, I'm sure proud of him and all the men of the USS Pickens along with all that served our country.

  9. My grandfather was on USS Pickens. He was PFC Francis J. Schultz. Has been deceased since 1987.

  10. My dad was on the USS Pickens in WWII. He wrote an account of the attack on Iwo Jima. He died in 1999. I have this hand written account that I would love to share with anyone interested. I also have a bunch of paperwork that looks "classified" If anyone is interested in a copy of his story, I can copy and send for $5 a copy. It is about 25 pages in length. My dad was at Okinowa, too. He didn't want the war to pass him by......it didn't! His name was Luther Harley Hull, from Wichita Falls, Texas.

    1. I sent you a request to get a copy of his story. My father served on the Pickens, too. Please let me know if you received my request and where I should send the money. My email address is kenpearson1108@gmail.com
      Thanks, Ken

    2. Debbe, I recieved your father's account . I have been sick but I am better now so last night I read it . I was taken back in time to that day and I have not read anything more taking in my entire life!!! I would like to meet you some way or some how !! I am in Charlotte , NC and I will be 70 years old on Nov 8th . My phone number is cell # --704-491-0060 . If you would send me your phone number I will call and introduce my self. THANKS AGAIN for one of the greatest gifts ever !!!!
      I look forward to hearing from you !!
      THANKS AGAIN !!!!!!
      Ken Pearson
      PS I will be glad to pay you !!

  11. Replies
      THANKS aGAIN !!!! Ken Peareson;; kenpearson1108@gmail.com

  12. My Dad, Henry Shinn, served on the Pickens. I have a photo of him with some shipmates
