Monday, March 8, 2010

Scholar shares lunch during depression

I got to wondering the other day what became of Lloyd Blevins, a boy I went to school with in Minden Grammar School. During that time of depression and poverty it was not unusual to have your lunch stolen .When this happened one day Lloyd invited me to go to the cafeteria with him and share his lunch. He had 15 cents which enabled him to buy a jar of milk for a nickel and a split hamburger for a dime. He gave me one half of the hamburger and we shared the milk. You can't get much kinder than that.

To be honest I must admit to a trick I played on Lloyd. The class was being visited by a medical team which required us to answer a few questions on a form, including whether male or female. Lloyd asked me how to answer that and I said it depended on which month a person was born and that meant he was female. The doctor made fun of Lloyd but he only smiled sheepishly and never blamed me. Yes, I hope life has been good for Lloyd.

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