Revised records show more job losses than have been reported, but there is no recession with the federal government, setting a record with 2.15 million jobs. Government jobs pay more,an average of $71,000 and benefits of $41,000 a year.
The facts, Mr. President, just the facts. Mr. Obama said in a recent speech that we had a one-year deficit of $1 trillion and projected deficit for next decade of 8 trillion because two wars, two tax cuts and a drug prescription program and recession put 3 trillion dollar hole in the budget. On March 14 2008, Obama, then a senator,voted for the 2009 budget which authorized 3.1 trillion in federal oujtlays, along with a $400 billion deficit. The 51-44 vote was along pary lines, with only two Republicans voting aye. How is this before Obama "walked in the door?"
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