Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Let us be sensible

Let us be sensible about health agreements.  Everyone wants good health treatment but we want to pay little. as possible.  Face it --pay more or get less. 
we are headed to  a plan  that is costly  or is available for some   will be shut off from good benefits.

My blog is fouled up

My blog has been taken over and  is fouled up.  I will try to keep it open but cannot be certain it will work.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I really want to go!

Yes., I would like to visit with other World War 2 veterans  during the trip sponsored by Brookshires. The store is sponsoring a trip to the nation's capitol. leaving Shreveport Monday, May 29, returning Wednesday, May 31. 

The veterans will visit the World War 2 monument and other sites.

Friday, March 17, 2017

What Beautiful Weather

What beautiful weather -- if you like ice and  snow.     I feel badly for those people suffering the terrible weather but the yankees can stand it better than we can.                                                                                                                                                                                        

Remembering The Battle of Okinawa

I write about this every year, but I have committed to commemorating this day as long as I am able. It was April 1, 1945,  and the Pickens was among some 1200 ships and crafts from the United States and Britain. The Pickens was second behind the USS Hinsdale, APA 120, in a column of attack transports carrying the Second Marine Division. The time was a few minutes before 6 a.m.; we had been at General Quarters since around 5. We had experienced kamikaze attacks at Iwo Jima and knew we could expect to be attacked in much greater number.  We radarmen were watching the screens intently and lookouts on deck were searching the skies.

About one minute before 6 a Japanese plane hit the Hinsdale at the water line, exploding several bombs and blasting holes.  Another plane headed towards us but caught the mast of an LST to our port, exploding on the deck and setting the LST on fire.  We quickly put boats in the water and helped pick up survivors from the Hinsdale and LST's 884 and 724.  The flag officers from the Hinsdale transferred to our ship.  As an auxiliary hospital ship we were equipped to take care of wounded marines and seamen, many from the LST being badly burned.

We were able to carry out our assigned duties, which were to act as a diversionary attack force while troops were landing at other places.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Plan for better health care

More on health plan

Republicans are trying to present a health plan to replace what we have now that is  unworkable.Some want a plan that is better while others want  something perfect.  Getting anything   is nigh impossible;  it is a matter of money, and taxes.  I continue to believe we will eventually have a plan paid for by taxes and dictated by the government.  It will be far from what we want but eventually that is what we will get.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

On the way to government insurance

Like it  our not our hospital insurance is going to be "free. that is it will not have a cost " but it will be paid for by taxes."  Judging from experiences of England and Canada.  every thing has a cost.   We began in that direction with Obama care and we may have improved it, but someone has to pay  the bill..

Monday, March 6, 2017

Grandchildren return to Carolina

Something was wrong --quiet had  descended.  No, every thing could be explained.   Our grandchildren  had returned  home after a thee week visit. They  will resume school in North Carolina  .Lily is seven  and Oliver is five. They have bitrhdays  this summer..


February is gone and spring will soon spring forward in all its beauty.  I wish that I could plant flowers and vegetables.  I remember planting sugar cane and Irish potatoes, two of the earliest activities on the farm.  Now, I am fortunate to see roses beginning to bloom.  The pear tree is the only flowering tree we now have and it must be sprayed to control blight.