Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Trump refuses to debate

Trump    announced he will not take part in the presidential debate because Megyn Kelly is named as one of the moderators.  I agree that Miss Kelly is unfit but Trump should be strong enough to accept her lack of ability.

Happy Anniversry, Jen

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Debate moderators asked to be serious

How serious, caring and knowledgeable the moderators of the Republican debate  are  will determine how worthwhile the event will be.  Future  voters need answers on how the candidates will improve the economy and keep the nation  safe.  We have no need for foolery and scabrous attacks to  and fro.

We do not need or want any more silly gotcha questions.  I dare the first moderator to jab Cruz or stab Trump instead of asking a question that results in a serious discussion that involves all of the candidates. He or she  should be dismissed from the panel.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Bloomberg to run for president?

Soooooo you thought Donald Trump brought enough excitement to the competition for the Republican nomination for president -- then here comes Sara Palin with both support and more than her share of ridicule from the Left.

Nothing  could top that -- but it has. Michael Bloomberg, . former  New York mayor,  is threatening to finance a third party with a billion dollars.

Hold your breath; Obama and Clinton may formr  a ticket of their own.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Our warm hearts are with those struck by blizzards

Seventy-five million people are in the path of blizzards, according to weather reports.  At first I misread the forecast ; I understood that thousands of Mrs. Clinton's E-mails are delayed by blizzards.  Believe me  -- that is the truth.

Our sympathies are with all those who are struck by the snow and blizzard conditions.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Happy Birthday, Mark

Best wishes two days late. I have not felt like touching my blog for several  days. I had to see  the doctor yesterday and the cardiologist this morning.  Not good excuses I know, but  at least I remembered you were born the day before Reagan was inaugurated.

How is your weather?  We are having  cold and rain but no snow.

Kiss the family for me.

Love, Dad

Monday, January 18, 2016

Good news?

I have been unable to post on my blog for several days, probably a good thing because all of the terrorist violence, including the dozens killed at a hotel in Africa. What country will be hit next?

America is concentrating on the good news of the release (swap) of  four or is it five Americans  in exchange for seven Iranians.  We are still in the dark about the deal America has made with Iran, including how much money  Iran gets..

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A conversation 100 years ago

The phrase African-American was virtually unknown when this conversation between my dad and a friend took place. .Dads's friend said that he  was glad his parents had been slaves.  They lived a better life than they would in Africa and they had the privilege of knowing Jesus Christ.  (This conversation  took place more than 100 years ago.)

Don't find fault unless you served

I accept that I am weak, ill and old, but I get angry at cowardly scum who fault our fighting men, especially those who  fought in Viet Nam.  To our so-called leaders I say if you didn't serve  shut your mouth.

I will never forget a youth who was visiting with relatives in Homer while considering whether to sign up for another tour in Viet Nam.   He told how much he wanted to help the Vietnamese who were being killed by the communists.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Christmas forgotten

Few of us who served on the USS Pickens and/or had relatives on her are around today.  For some reason I tried to remember Christmas on board the ship but could not, although Thanksgiving in 1944 was described as a feast.  Three days after Christmas 1944 we loaded on troops and began training for Iwo Jima.  If any body can refresh my memory, let me hear from  you.

Athletes should be held to code of conduct

Rarely do I write about sports in this blog, but a national football championship battle between Clemson and Alabama tonight is  difficult to ignore.  I am an LSU grad and pull for my team.  Ordinarily, I would be supporting SEC member Alabama, but I am tired of that teams boasting.

That is not why I am writing.   I am disgusted and tired of high school players acting like thugs and getting hero worship.  Most college coaches will award scholarships to boys who have raped or otherwise mistreated girls.  Many wind up carry on acting the same way in college.  Fvery school should obey a code of conduct.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Sad start to new year

With visits to doctors and hosting re-hab, I have had lttle opportunity or inclination to post on my blog.  I had begun researching the Pickens to re-fresh my memory on the date of our first Christmas  when sad events crowded out all other thoughts.

An 18-year-old neighbor took his own life January first,   citing the problems in this world. A few days later a good friend died --a sad shock.

I wont write until my emotions have  quieted.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mist I buy a gun?

Must I go  buy a gun and take pistol firing lessons?  I ask myself this every time President Obama threatens to take our guns away.  I don't have a gun but  I do not want the bad guys to know that,

Monday, January 4, 2016

Grand children return home

It is so quiet that sound has enveloped.  The grandchildren left early this morning for North Carolina and we miss them (Lily  and Oliver) plus their parents. We can hardly wait until we talk by phone.

New Years really begins tiday

Well, I'm back and in time to wish  everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous 2016.  Today is the business and school first day of the year. If my memory is right I began more than one job on January 4.  Holidays ended and work began.  I began with Commerce and Industry on  January 4  1973, with a wrecked  car and no transportation.  With help I made it.

This year begins with trouble growing in the Mideast, presidential politics getting hotter,  the stock market going wild, gas prices lower, and jobs paying less.

We can do very little but watch and wait.