Friday, December 25, 2015

We visit with Jessica

We were able to visit by phone with Jessica this morning, seeing her as she could see all of the family gathered by the Christmas tree.  She must have had the help of elves as she sent me the half silly, half serious present as always.  I hope it is okay that I reveal a few remarks from her letter:

 This Christmas in Israel might be the most unique  Christmas I ever have; it will certainly be a memorable one. having been in Bethlehem on Christmas Eve for the parades and celebrations, and then going  over to Tel  Aviv in the  evening for a Christmas party thrown for me by a group  of Israeli Jews, almost all of whom have never had a Christmas before.        


Peace doesn't come easy

Today we observe the birthday of Jesus Christ.  If only we could follow his teaching.

        .... and work toward world peace."    Remember when every contestant in beauty contests would close her interview with  those pretty sounding words.  If  only peace could be obtained by wishing for it.  The cold truth is that to have peace one must   strive for it.  Sometimes that has to result in war after war.  Today as we face a world with refugees seeking safety and a  home this nation's leaders must end their pettifogging and go full out to defeat terrorist groups.  That must involve "troops on the ground."

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How brilliant! A Co presidency

We have two candidates for president who surpass any thing we have had before. They accuse each other of being crooked liars.  Who will argue with that?  I understand it might require a little moving parties around to get both  as president at the same time. But would it not be enjoyable to have Hillary and Trump kissing and fighting over legislation?

I ask you to give this serious thought.  So many voters want them both;  let's give them both to our brilliant voters.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Enjoying a calml

It is a quiet time as Jen and the kids go grocery shopping.  I have an appointment with my cardiologist at 2;15 and some re-habber has called.  I get tired easily and want the nurse or whatever to understand  this. In fact, I wish the meeting with Dr. Singh could  be delayed.

We love you, Jessica!

Pastor Tom Howe led the congregation of Christ Methodist Church as they shouted out their love for Jessica, who will spend the holidays as a missionary in Israel.   The message was  sent by camera and was returned by Jessica.

Jessica has found several organizations and opportunities to serve in this disturbed area.

The church also contacted  some shut-n members. We john Jessica and people everywhere in  hoping and praying for a time of peace.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Nurse gives me a scale and weighs me

I have a problem in  remembering my code but no matter I have promised  to clear my mind before resuming my Tomorrow  my son and family from North Carolina are scheduled to arrive and two children will scramble  what mind I have.

This aternoon another visitor is coming to either tire me or help  me.   I  was hoping not to be  visited for another day and some pain leaves my shoulder.The nurse  came, dropped off a scale, took my pressures, and left.

Humana called me,  said the phone number was wrong, and ended the conversation.  We will get it right soon. I am tired so will end this. Maybe I ll be better tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Way The World Ought To Be

How much ability  I  have  to use this blog is being tested.   I have had to re-type every word.               I cannot blame this on my illness but every injury I have is hurting..  I am determined to be better tomorrow.Today I only want to quote a few words from Jessica  She makes so much sense.  Here goes:
"Just in the past 48 hours I have:

-Witnessed the lighting of a 30ft. Christmas tree in the center of
Bethlehem, surrounded by Christians and Muslims singing together, "Joy to the World" in Arabic.

-Traveled via passenger train from one part of
Israel to another.

-Had a group of six Palestinian Muslim children (ages 3-10), follow me for three blocks, excitedly petting Ellie and taking turns walking her on the leash. They speak very little English, yet every time I pass they call to me, "Where's Ellie? Where's Ellie?" and plead for me to bring her down the street to see them.

-Attended my first ever Quaker meeting; in

-Experienced my first Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony; in Tel Aviv.

-Been calmed by an elderly Palestinian Muslim woman, who spoke no English, as I nervously crossed through Qualandia Checkpoint for the first time (it separates Ramallah from
Jerusalem, and is a much more intense and intimidating checkpoint than the one I am used to passing through from Bethlehem)."

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 11, 2015

Rembering a friend

So much evil is overwhelming and would lead me to comments, but I am going to discuss onlly light matters for  a few days.   When I ran for mayor of Homer, I did not campaign,   but was surprising who did solicit votes for me.  One was Ab Kerlin. a lab  technician.

Ab was a rather large guy  with bad feet. He was very visible in the school band.  Any way,  Ab walked both sides of  h is street, asking women to vote   for me.  I remember Ab with great fondness.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

roy lowe

I hope you have missed my blog at least a bit.  I hope to resume soon.  As of today I am trying to recover from pneumonia   a nd heart failure. I am having difficulty typing as you can see..   I                                                                              woull                                           l ikom anyone, especially relatives of world war  2

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


You do not have to spend  the whole year in Israel.